Chattanooga Spine and Body
Simplifying healthcare for patients.
Chattanooga Spine and Body is a general physical medicine and rehabilitation medical practice. Various medical conditions are treated. Click on the link below to find out more information.
Why private pay?
Many people may have heard of private pay medical offices, but are not familiar with them. There are many benefits to going to a private pay medical office.
Education for Patients
We create personalized treatment programs to address the needs of patients. From treatments to education, improvements in the quality of life can be made.
Support for Patients
CSB is available to help patients as best as we can. If there is something that is not within the scope of our medical practice, we will do out best to get you to the correct specialist(s).
Are you looking for a different kind of medical experience that is more personalized?

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(423) 485-3226
(423) 485-3302
5617 Hwy 153, Suite 103
Hixson, TN 37343